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The Farmers

Halftime: Moving From Success to Significance

This is the title of the book by Bob Buford.  He believed the second half of your life can be better than the first. Much better. But first, you need time to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life. In Halftime, Buford focuses on this important time of transition—the time when, as he says, a person moves beyond the first half of the game of life. It’s halftime, a time of revitalization and for catching a new vision for living the second half, the half where life can be lived at its most rewarding. 

My wife, Elaine and I have worked through the transition in our lives to find new meaning and joy. Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, we bought a 10 acre farm to grow the spice, Saffron. We found that this was a wonderful change in our old life style. We have built a fully equipped farm, growing a crop that is unique in many ways with an interesting assortment of buyers of Saffron. Below, we have tried to describe the opportunity that may be of interest to someone looking for a change in their life style.